Removal of ineligible recipients can help save Social Security
Have our 401K account balances ever gone down in the past? Yes they have. Approximately 100K people in the U.S.A. lose their life each year due to fentanyl coming across our borders. We now have leadership that says “Enough.”
The president is using financial leverage to get our border neighbors to put the pressure on their side of the border to change the status quo and to “help their neighbor; us”. The fentanyl flow is not completely controllable by tariffs but can be stemmed much better than it has been. Each year we lose more people from fentanyl than we did from the entire Vietnam war. The financial, resource, and emotional cost to the people of the United States is staggering. I for one hope there are many more Americans willing to be patient and to take a dip in our 401K balances for now to help save lives in the long run.
As for having your Social Security being taken from you, I would not be worried. The administration is trying to save Social Security by removing ineligible recipients, not eligible recipients. The eligibility roles should dutifully be monitored and cleansed to contain only accurate data based on established Social Security Administration business rules. Let the data be analyzed against these rules. If anomalies are found they need to be analyzed and adjudicated properly. If business rules need to be added, deleted, and/or tweaked to accomplish preservation and legitimacy to Social Security for the benefit of American citizens then let it be done.
Fred Nannarone is a resident of the Village of Briar Meadow.